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Accommodation capacity 2000-2012 (Al Hoceima)Morocco:accomodationcapacity OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Administrative boundaries IZemouren, Al Hoceima, Youssed Ou Ali, Imzouren, Bni Bouyach, TrougoutMorocco:admin_boundary OpenLayers  GML  KML 
AĆ©roport Charif Idrissi, Al HoceimaMorocco:airoport OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Built-up in Al Hoceima (2012)Morocco:al_hoceima_urbain OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Quality of bathing water at Calabonita Beach and Quemado Beach (1993-2011)Morocco:bathingquality OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Beach width along the Gulf of Al Hoceima (in meters)Morocco:beach_width OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Cliffs on the Al Hoceima AreaMorocco:cliffs OpenLayers  GML  KML 
A.K Khattabi DamMorocco:dam OpenLayers  GML  KML 
10 meter elevation lineMorocco:elevation_10m OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Fish landings at Al Hoceima port (1983-2012)Morocco:fishlandings OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Hydrographic network of the Al Hoceima AreaMorocco:hydro_network OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Location of Al Hoceima, Ajdir, El Hadid, Imzouren, and Bni BouayachMorocco:locations OpenLayers  GML  KML 
The Nekor and Ghis Plain along the Nekor and Ghis riversMorocco:nekor_and_ghis_plain OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Evolution of nights and arrival of tourists in the city of Al Hoceima (2000-2012)Morocco:nightsandarrivals OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Port of Al HoceimaMorocco:port OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Rivers of the Al Hoceima AreaMorocco:rivers OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Al Hoceima road networkMorocco:roads OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Al Hoceima urban roadsMorocco:urbain_roads OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Sea Surface Temperature, overall mean 2003-2010MarineHeritage:Overal-mean-2003-2010 OpenLayers    KML 
Sea Surface Temperature, st deviation 2003-2010MarineHeritage:Overal-stdev-2003-2010 OpenLayers    KML 
Coral reefsMarineHeritage:coralreefs OpenLayers  GML  KML 
IsobathesMarineHeritage:isobathes_100m_select OpenLayers  GML  KML 
World Heritage marine sites in the Western Indian OceanMarineHeritage:mergedsites201205 OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Seagrass Data - polygonsMarineHeritage:seagrass OpenLayers  GML  KML 
Seagrass Data - pointsMarineHeritage:seagrass_pnt OpenLayers  GML  KML 
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